Thursday, August 11, 2011

Journey to Becoming a Multi-Millionaire - DAY 2

Yesterday, when I was on my way home from work with my husband, the song "I want to be a Millionaire" played on the radio station.  Coincidence? I THINK NOT!'s my new theme song, except, i'd have to change some of the lyrics to "I'm going to become a MultiMillioinaire..."

Obnoxious? YES, VERY....but if it is something that's going to get me motivated, then i'm going to take it.  Having a motivated mindset and spirit is key to achieving my goal.  It gives me the drive and excitement i need to take actions necessary towards obtaining my goal.

I came home last night humming my revised theme song in my head and couldn't wait to pick up another book about money. 

The book i had mentioned in my Day 1 blog is "Secrets of a Millionaire Mind".   In it i learned education is key to wealth and maintaining wealth.  My brother in law sent me a good article yesterday on how to make wealth. Check this out: . I can definitely say my brother in law is wealthy and even he is still constantly reading and learning about wealth. Hence, moving forward, I'M COMMITTED TO CONTINUING EDUCATION. That's the only way i'll grow.  I hope to share some of the things i learn on this blog as i continue to learn. 

"I'm going to become a all the things i never had"  I'm a step closer to becoming a Multi-Millionaire. =)

(BTW: thanks to those who commented on yesterday's post and for suggestions on what to read. I will definately check it out)

1 comment:

  1. Making money is not a spectator sport. You have to be in the game-KN
    Robert Kiyosaki said in his program that in order to get what you want, you have to change your language and way of thinking. Instead of saying "I can't buy that", ask " HOW can I buy this."
    Something else that stuck to me is from that book mentioned earlier, "Networking with the Affluent". The idea is that you must connect with those to whom you want to aspire. That is, if you want to be a lawyer, hang around lawyers...if you want to be a venture capitalist, go to high-tech conventions....and if you want to be rich...(marry one).
