Saturday, August 27, 2011

Journey to Becoming a Multi-Millionaire - DAY 18

Personal matter: I know the journey to becoming a multi-millionaire isn't going to be an easy one.  This includes dealing with people who don't get why I even have this goal.  Eversince i've started this blog, i've encountered conversations with readers who tell me "money isn't everything...blah blah blah it'll lead to unhappiness...blah blah blah." 

I personally think those who criticize my goal are those who have never been and will never be a multi-millionaire .  ZING!!! 

I like to work, i like to make money, i like to spend money and i also like to save money. My life is easier when there is an abundance of money and there's nothing wrong about admitting that.  Does this mean that i'm consumed with making money right now? maybe, but so what? i'm young, i have engery and i have no kids - YET. =)  and even if i'm consumed with making money, it doesn't mean that i'm miserable and have no life.  I work hard but also enjoy life too.

Something I've learned from "Your Money - The Missing Manual":   The road to wealth is paved with goals, and the same is true of the road to happiness.  But for a goal to be worthwhile, it has to be related to your values and interests - it has to add something to your life.

Two and a half years ago, my husband and i created a five year goal list for ourselves.  One of the goal is to GO TO ITALY for our delayed honeymoon.  We're now going to France and Italy in a week for 16 days.  This wouldn't have been possible without hardwork and earning money.    I'm sure this experience will be a rejuvenating experience and i'll come back with more desire to become even richer...why because i want to live a life with rich experiences and most of the time it cost money to have these experiences!

Money to me is: experiences i can afford (i.e., traveling, eating good food), tools opportunities and experiences i can provide to my future children (i.e., educational activities, tutoring), my health my loved ones' health (i.e., healthcare), giving back to my parents in some way later and giving to charities that means something to me (Ginger's pet rescue)... all these things are things that have meaning to me and a lot of it cost money. 

Bottom line: there is nothing wrong with wanting to make more MONEY so long as once i have MONEY, i make it WORTHWHILE.  this leads me to my next blog...which will be about prioritizing.... stay tuned....

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